Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In 5 weeks time I will be 1 year old! I am helping my parents undress myself before bathtime. I have started walking short distances unaided and cruise around easily holding on to furniture and walls etc.I still prefer to crawl as my primary means of locomotion. I went to my first children's birthday party on Sunday, Alec who turned 2 years old. I have never seen so many small people like myself before in one place! I have been bumping my head a lot as I am quite adventurous and don't listen to my parents when they warn me not to try and support my body weight from curtains that move! I am eating pear, oranges and like lemons as well. I got a sucker at the birthday party which was very nice. It was even nicer when dad took the wrapper off! I still like cheese a lot .

1 comment:

Billy said...

your hair is turning red---too many carrots ???? love billy