Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I went to the clinic today for my MMR shot . Not one sqeak when the nurse jabbed me! I weigh 13.5 kg and am 85 cm tall. This puts me on the 97th percentile for age. Swimming was fun tonight and I am starting to enjoy it a lot. I water the garden for dad where he has shown me to water and shout out " HE HE ' and point to the sky when the helicopters come over.Still only the 4 top and 4 bottom teeth but I have been sleeping so badly lately that Mom and Dad are sure there are more on the way. Yesterday I allowed Dad to feel for my back molars, then I bit him which I thought was very funny. Dad was not amused!

1 comment:

Billy said...

Shame on you---biting your daddy's finger like that---A. Yvonne