Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am now just over 18.5 months old.l I said my first word 2 days ago on 2 March. Besides "mom" and "dad' that is . Pointed at a picture of a baby in a magazine and said 'baby". I went for my booster shot 2 weeks ago and am still on the 97th percentile for age. 88 cm and 14 kg. I have popped out about 4-5 more molars. Swimming is improving in leaps and bounds. I get in and out by myself, can monkey walk around tho outside and am starting to attempt short distances by myself. I sleep right through now . I help dad to weed the garden as well as watering the plants with my watering can. We all went down to Port Elizabeth to visit granny , grandpa and uncle Howard. After 4 days we went to the Transkei to Bull's inn @ Mbolompo for a week , then Kob Inn for a few days . I had great fun . Played in the river and on the beach, saw lots of cows , donkeys , dogs, sheep and goats. Dad only caught a turtle and a shark so I never saw any big fish , but I liked the little ones that he caught for live bait. We also went to the Hole-in the- Wall in the TK. Dad carried me all the way from the carpark behind the hotel. We stopped off in PE again on the way back. I also go to Kindermusik which I like a lot . I am starting to draw pictures with crayons. I point out the moon and the stars at night .